The EE Department currently offers a FREE full-service poster printing service, for use by EE department affiliates and to students enrolled in EE courses that require a final poster presentation.
To use this service you must be listed as a Stanford Electrical Engineering affiliated author on the submitted poster. Usually this means that the work presented in the poster must have been done at Stanford.
General Information -
1. To have your poster printed, send your poster in .pdf format to
Please include
the dimensions (size) of your poster. (The paper is 36" {91.44 cm} so the largest small dimension for a poster is 36 inches.)
the class, conference or event where the poster will be presented.
2. You will receive an automated response so you know the email has been received.
3. When your poster is ready you will receive an email telling you where it may be picked up.
More Details -
Posters can be SUBMITTED at any time. Just email them to
Posters will be PRINTED -
weekdays (Monday through Friday) from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific time on a first-in, first-out basis
When COMPLETE, the poster owner will receive an email to that effect containing the location where they may pick-up the poster. Finished posters will be hung on a wall in a location where they may be picked up at any time. POSTERS WILL NOT BE DELIVERED.
During busy periods, no poster will be re-printed until all posters in the queue have been printed once.
If there are problems (of any type) that prevent a poster from being printed, the person submitting the poster will immediately be notified so they may address the issues.
All re-submitted posters go to the end of the queue.
All posters submitted BEFORE the 6:00 PM Pacific time deadline will be printed the same day.
All posters must be submitted at least three (3) hours before the beginning of the poster session at which they are to be displayed. POSTERS SENT AFTER THE THREE (3) HOUR CUTOFF WILL NOT BE PRINTED. Example: I have a poster session at 4:00 PM; I will need to email my poster by 1:00 PM for it to be printed.